Sunday, January 8, 2012

Clinging to HOPE

Thank you to Lindsay at the R House for working on my focus this past week.  Not in a eye-vision kind of way, but in an attitude way.

She had an amazing blog post about how their family theme this year will be HOPE.  While Lindsay and I do not share the same religious beliefs, I will say that as I read the post I felt like it was God talking to me.

So the day I read it, I decided that I am going to try to use that as my cue word to refocus myself when I am feeling so grief stricken.

I am going to claim HOPE.

And as usual, my favorite Bible verse reinforces this for me...

Jeremiah 29:11
"For I know he plans I have for you," declares the Lord,
"Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you HOPE and a future."

And if you think about it, pray for Lindsay and her family. It appears the expecting mom who had originally considered placing her daughter with the R family, has chosen instead to parent her daughter. The R family is very supportive of her in that endeavor as they have come to love her and they want only the best for her and her children.  So although they are still supporting this expecting mother (they love her), their hearts are still sad as they realize this child will not be joining their family.

As you can imagine this expecting mother is also heavy on my heart and also in my prayers.  I would guess she must be struggling with the decision to parent and the logistics of how she will do that with her limited resources.  So if you are praying, please add C to your prayers too.

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