Thursday, February 10, 2011

A happy thought about adoption

I have had a tumultuous week.  Much drama with the ex-husband.  Snow days keeping the boys home from school. A work load that is crushing.

But as I sat on the floor in my office last night, sorting the mounds of paperwork I have let get away from me, I was struck by the thought that Brit has not had to live through any of this.  She has been with her mom and dad enjoying the life of being an only child who has parents whose world revolves around her needs.

If she was with me, things would have been very different.  We would have been living in the car, traveling between basketball practices, daycare, school meetings and shuttling between her birthfather's house and my house. 

I would probably have been short tempered because of all the stress that I have been dealing with.  And all of us who have parented a baby know, the baby is the first one to recognize your stress and add to it by being even more needy. :)

But Brit has been protected from all of that.  Her mom and dad make sure her world is a happy place.  They have time to play on the floor.  Her mom is right there when she wakes up from her nap.

It is weeks like this that I remember why I chose a different life for sweet little Brit.  She deserves all the attention she is getting. 

1 comment:

birthmothertalks said...

I am a birthmother to my first child. I am no longer shocked that women have chosen to place a child after the first for adoption. It used to surprise because I am learning that it's more common than I thought.
You say that it's the moments of a rough week that make you remember why you choose adoption for Brit. I always wonder how do you explain adoption to the previous children? I always fear that it could come off as them thinking that the child placed for adoption is loved because you want better for them and the life that your living is okay for the children you still have.
I am not being judgmental. I just always worry because kids don't always look at the situation the same way.