Monday, April 25, 2011

Got an update today

I got an update with Easter pictures from Brit's family today.  She is so happy.  So loved.  And so stinkin cute!

Her dad writes the funniest email updates.  Nothing against updates from the mom, but the dad is a crack up.

I saw the pictures, read the email and didn't cry.

I am actually OK with it today.

Progress?  Maybe.

This is a slightly creepy picture of me, but you get the idea.
Or maybe today is just a good day. 

Whatever the reason, I will rejoice that I can look at pictures of sweet Brit and be happy, not sad.


Susie said...

So happy for you that you got pictures and an update! Enjoy these "good adoption days"

A Life Being Lived said...

Yeah!!!! So awesome. Happy for you!!! I'm glad you felt the joy and love today.

m&msmommy said...

Yay! I am SO happy that you got updates and pics. I can't even begin to imagine what joy that brings to your heart and soul! :) God is good! :)

wsbirthmom said...

Hey :)
Glad you got an update and pics! I got some yesterday too. Looking forward to talking with you when we return. Enjoy your new pics, I know you're studying every one over and over. :)
1600 miles further away - well, it's just geography....