Wednesday, March 9, 2011

So much to think about and do

I am still dancing in air thinking about the visit next Sunday.  I want it to be here already.  But I keep thinking about how nervous Brit's mom must be.  Since she has the been the aprehensive one all along, I bet now that there is an actual date set it is probably even worse.

I hope that some day they will not feel obligated but instead excited to meet up with us.  And maybe I am assuming feelings that she may not be having.  Maybe she really is much better with all of this.  Just knowing how she acted prior to Brit's birth, I think she is probably worrying.

Today I am thinking about what we will buy little Brit for her first birthday, which we will celebrate during her visit.  Her brithday is the 25th.  Hard to believe it has been a year ago!

I have already bought her two books and a Veggie Tales movie.  C wants to get her a Leap Pad (or whatever it is called), but it says it's for ages 2-4.  Brit is very advanced, but I still think she may not have the coordination needed for a toy like that.

I want C and me to go shopping for her gift together.  At Christmas he and I each bought Brit gifts, but we did it separate from each other.  I would like for this to be different.

In addition to all the excitement with the Brit visit, I also have a few other really big things happening this week. 
  1. I am supposed to get a court reccomendation about custody of my two little boys on Friday.  Their dad filed for primary custody of them so he wouldn't have to pay child support. (Which he has never paid in the two years we have been divorced. I never requested any until this past November when I realized I am paying 100% of the kids expenses and he has never helped.  And his response to that request was to file for custody.  That has been a huge financial drain on this single momma.  $3,500 already spent on legal fees.  I expect probably another $2,000 before we are done. Yuk.)
  2. L has a two hour baseball practice Friday evening.
  3. I move to a new townhouse on Saturday.  Finally a place of our own for the boys and me with a bedroom for everyone. I just hate moving.
  4. L has a basketball tournament on Saturday. D has a Young Marines new recruit meeting right before L's first game. (Who knew a 9 year old boy would want to do that?  I didn't even know such an organization existed until we saw a booth about them at a local air show.)
  5. Mom and L (the soon to be 12 year old!)
  6. L's 12th birthday is Sunday - We are postponing a party with his friends until the 26th because of the move.  However, he still wants to go play video games at the arcade with his brothers that day.
  7. I get to particiapte in the interview process for a new Children's Ministry Director after church on Sunday.
It hardly seems like there is enough time in a single weekend for all of it.  Then follow it up with the excitement of a visit with Brit the following week!

I will take things one at a time.

I am so glad I have something so great to look forward to!

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